Saturday 7 September 2013

I´m in Arfica

It is unbelievable, but finally I´m here. After all my trying I´ve done and I packed my suitcase and I went.
            I arrived to Prague airport with big suitcase and big backpack and both luggage I repack several times there. Finally I gave my suitcase to the check in they putted on it tag “heavy” and sent it to plane. Big hand back, exceed allowed weight, I took on my back and boarded to the biggest and the most luxury plane I´ve ever traveled.
            The first flight finished in Dubai one minute to midnight. There I tried to sleep on floor between shops and morning I continued in next plane to direction black continent.
            When I sow our plane is closing to Lusaca I started to feel some filings I didn´t feel before – worry, fear, nervousness and happiness. We started go down and from window I sow pictures like from geographic book – yellow grass, branching small trees, blue sky and hot sun. I´m in Africa! That I´m not wrong show confirmed my first breath hot air. I remembered something about ongoing winter in Zambia, ok African´s winter is really different.
            After one hour waiting I get on to check-in desk for the visa to Zambia and after scanning all my fingers and paid 50 dollars I could go to hall with my suitcase. Again with my heavy suitcase I leave the hall and immediately I sow the label: City of Hope – selesian center, which has in her hand small girl. Behind her emerge three other girls and all wanted help me with my heavy suitcase. I was thinking witch from them will drive but finally come to driver and I almost sit to his knees, before I sow the wheel on left side.
            The cart was going on really good ways, absolutely better then in Czech. We met a big department stores but also on crossroads between cars were going salesman of all sorts and also many walkers. Cross the rout will be one of the biggest problem here.
            That I´m, right it was confirmed next day. I went to shop with two other volunteers and it was really curious. When Jakub came to ask me about shopping I asked him about check my zambian´s money, because I got some old from my friends and I knew it was reform in Zambia.  Jakub made me sure I have lot of money and I was happy and we went out from City of Hope. I bought especially water and beers but on the cash desk I found out, this money they don´t use any more. It was silly situation, Jakub was calling and finally he didn´t have enough money to lend me. Credit cart I couldn´t use. The situation was solve by manager of this shop, he let me pay in dollars with the wrong course, of course. I could not trust Polish people any more, but I have my purchased.

            Now I´m waiting for tomorrow, girls will have party and also will be meeting for teachers, because on Monday school year beginning. Ok let´s go.

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